Your website is the online presence of your business on the internet, so it is important to carefully plan the domain name registration for your website. Selecting a sensible domain name for your website allows you to market and grow your business. Don't forget reading the tips below:


You should be careful about the following points while selecting a domain name for your website:

  • In the domain registration process, choose a domain name that not only describes your business, but should also be catchy for your customers and visitors to remember.
  • Give a required time and have patience before choosing a domain name. Don't try to do it in a hurry and without doing online research about your business keywords.
  • Try to choose a domain name that contains your business "keyword" or "key phrase" in it. This will help your website to achieve a higher rank in web searches. For example: If your business is about "cotton shirts" then your website name should be "cottonshirts.com", "softcottonshirts.com", etc.
  • If you're sensitive about your business as a brand name, try to put your business's name before or after your keywords.
  • Don't make it too long; try to keep it short and memorable.
  • If you don't get a domain name with any extension (.com, .co.uk, etc.) you can try other extensions. For example, if you want "softcottonshirts.com" and it is not available then you can go for "softcottonshirts.in" if your business exists in India.
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